Mardi Gras weekend, an always notable weekend for St. Louis residents, and their love of what has become an iconic tradition for the city.
Thousands of St. Louis residents flood downtown and Soulard to celebrate the event.
But, not everyone does that
On an overpass in Clayton, about 40-50 people withstood the cold, and showed up to display signs to drivers on the highway below, and make their voices heard on all that’s happening in the country right now.
When asked “what made you show up today?” The following demonstrators said;
Megan, 29, “My mom, and my sister are both lesbians, so I’ve been apart of the gay community since i was a kid, and I’m out here fighting the good fight”
Eriin Kelly, 31;
“We just wanna live. Everyday, it’s another right that we’re losing, another liberty threatened to be taken from us. Everyday, i just wanna feel less invisible.”
Doreen, 61;
“As a gay woman, i just wanna bring attention to the hate towards the lgbtq community, and I’m here to have solidarity with the others.”
Paul, 49;
“This is my first protest ever, and I’m trying to be more open minded since my daughter is an ally to the lgbtq community. We had been talking about going to one for weeks, and we decided today would be the day.”
Erin Rice;
“I don’t like Nazi’s.”
The demonstration lasted a couple of hours, and ended at around 3:30

Megan, 31, Eriin, 29 and Doreen, 61 (left to right) wave their fists in the air while holding up their signs as people driving on the highway below were honking in support.
Photo by; Seth Donovan

Erin Rice finishes writing on a sign near the end of the demonstration. When asked what brought her to show up today, Erin said “I don’t like nazi’s”
Photo by; Seth Donovan

Holding up a sign, a protestor turns around to show their sign to a driver passing by.
Photo by; Seth Donovan

Looking at the cars on the highway, a demonstrator holds up their sign for oncoming cars to see.
Photo by; Seth Donovan

Before joining the rest of the demonstrators, a protestor makes their sign.
Photo by; Seth Donovan

Two flags hang through the bars of the fence that keeps pedestrians safe from falling onto the highway.
Photo by; Seth Donovan

Two protestors make signs before joining the crowd of about 40-50 people.
Photo by; Seth Donovan

Walking through the crowd, a protestor smiles at fellow demonstrators with their sign in their hands.
Photo by; Seth Donovan
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